"The severe weather situation and floodings in our area have affected our office in Bergisch Gladbach. We can therefore not be contacted via email and phone right now. We are working on re-establishing these ways of communication as quickly as possible. Our teams are currently contacting those customers, who are in their final preparations for an event coming up soon, in order to coordinate an alternative way of communciation."
Organisers also need the necessary equipment for their sporting event in order to ensure its all-round success. We will be glad to assist you in this area and reduce your workload, for example by taking care of bib number printing, assuming responsibility for starter package production or providing Velcro straps.
Bib numbers are an essential component of any running or cycling event and at the same time serve to identify participants and present sponsors. Since bib numbers need to meet specific requirements depending on the type of sport, mika:timing can offer event organisers a selection of bib numbers in various materials and sizes. Our customisable bib numbers can, on request, also be perforated and printed on both sides. We can supply safety pins or cable ties for fastening the bib numbers.
In order to reduce your workload as much as possible, mika:timing offers starter package production as a service. You can choose between various printed and unprinted covers in order to match the requirements of your event. We can also include additional event information and flyers in the packs. The material is delivered packed in cardboard boxes ready to hand out.
Velcro straps are used predominantly in triathlons. The straps can be used to fasten the ChampionChip to the athlete's ankle. We offer two types of Velcro strap. Disposable velcro straps or the more comfortable neoprene straps.
Adhesive labels are an excellent alternative as bib numbers for identifying athlete's at sporting events. We offer labels in various materials and in a large number of sizes.